About the Travel Census
The 2020 Randwick Campus Travel Census is coming this month!
We need you!
Our Campus is changing, and so are our travel options. With the Randwick Campus Redevelopment well under-way, a new travel plan is being developed to improve travel choices and access for all staff, patients and visitors.
To ensure we incorporate the needs of all campus staff, it’s important we hear from you. We want to know:
How do you get to work? What’s your experience? What could be better?
This September, you’ll receive an email during Campus Travel Census Week asking to you participate. It only takes about 3 minutes, and everyone who submits a complete survey will get a free coffee or hot drink. Stay tuned, the survey is coming this month!
What is a Travel Census?
The Randwick Hospitals Campus Staff Travel Census will provide important information about how staff currently access the campus to help with future planning around access and travel.
The Travel Census will ask staff, from all organisations on the Randwick Hospitals Campus, how they arrived at the campus on a particular day, as well as a range of supporting demographic questions, without recording your personal information. It is short and simple to complete the Travel Census online so allow about 3 minutes.
When was the last Travel Census?
The first Randwick Hospitals Campus Staff Travel Census was undertaken on Wednesday 29 June 2019. We asked staff from across the campus to take 3 minutes to complete a short online survey telling us about their journey to work on this day. Information about how staff travel to work will help inform future planning. The Travel Census is proposed to be undertaken annually until the new Prince of Wales Hospital Acute Services Building opens in 2022.
Why is a Travel Census being undertaken?
The Travel Census will provide important information that will help Randwick Campus Redevelopment partners plan for improved access and travel choices for staff.
It’s important that we maximise participation in the Travel Census to ensure the needs and concerns of staff from all Randwick Hospitals Campus Staff are captured.
Ensuring your privacy
We are committed to maintaining your privacy and will do so in accordance with the Census Privacy Policy below.
Travel Census Provider Privacy Policy
Travel Census Promotion Terms & Conditions