State Significant Development approval SSD-9113
On 27 February 2019, the NSW Department of Planning, Industry and Environment (DPIE) approved the State Significant Development application (SSD-9113) for construction and operation of the Prince of Wales Hospital Acute Services Building comprising:
- 13 storey acute services building (ASB)
- overhead pedestrian links and helipad
- excavation and associated site infrastructure and landscaping works
- road upgrade works to Botany Street and Magill Street.
The planning approval is the result of a thorough assessment of the proposal and its environmental impacts.
The project EIS and supporting documentation is available on the DPIE Major Projects webpage.
Current status of works
Main Works for the new Prince of Wales Hospital Acute Services Building have been completed and services are now operating within the new building. Ongoing works continue within internal areas to deliver dditional operating theatres and associated recovery spaces, an ICU pod and two additional wards. Planning and staged delivery of these additional works will continue into late 2024.
Environmental Impact Statement (link to Department of Planning and Environment Major Project's webpage)
1. Approved plans
2. Notice of decision
3. Development consent | MOD 1 | MOD 2 | MOD 3 Consolidated Consent | MOD 4 | MOD 5 Consolidated Consent
4. Assessment report
5. Pre-construction compliance report | Compliance Construction Report No.1 | Compliance Construction Report No. 2 |
Compliance Construction Report No.3| Compliance Construction Report No.4| Compliance Construction Report No.5 |Pre-Operational Compliance Report
6. Community communication strategy
7. Complaints Register (issued monthly, combined for SSD-9113 and SSD-10339, as at 31 January 2025)
8. Independent Audit Program
9. Construction Monitoring Report (as at 10 February 2023)
10. Staging Report
Botany Street signalised intersection
Out of hours works approval - Department of Planning and Environment
Crown Certificates
Crown Certificate 1 Piling and Bulk Excavation (Certificate no. 19/124846-3) - May 2019
Crown Certificate 2 - Slab and Structure L01, Trenching and Inground Services, Lift Pits, Pile Caps, Stormwater Main Works, Cores/ Jump Form (Cerificate no. 19/124846-4) - October 2019
Crown Certificate 3 - Structure L02 - Roof, Services and fitout Level B2 - Level 01 and associated BCA, DDA, and FER - June 2020
Crown Certificate 4 - Services and fit out Level 2 to roof top, roof (including helipad and other roof top elements), facade, canopies and other attachments - Nov 2020
Crown Certificate 5- (Certificate no. 21/124846-10) interface of the ASB eastern elevation and extension, modifications to the building facade and landscaping - May 2021
Crown Certificate 6- (Certificate no. 21/124846-11) external works (including landscaping, public domain and civil works), public brdige works (including structure, services and facade), and patient bridge works (including structure and services) - July 2021
Crown Certificate 7 - (Certificate no. 22/124846-14) Public Link Bridge façade - July 2022
Management plans and sub-plans (Main Works)
Construction and Environmental Management Plan
Construction Traffic and Pedestrian Management Sub-Plan
Construction Worker Transportation Strategy
Noise and Vibration Management Plan
Stormwater and Erosion Management Plan
Construction Waste Management Sub-Plan
Construction Soil and Water Management Sub-Plan
Flood and Emergency Response Management Sub-Plan
Heritage and Archaeological Management Plan
Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Management Sub-Plan
South Eastern Sydney Local Health District Car Parking Policy
Management plans and sub-plans (Operating Theatres)
Construction Management Plan
Construction Traffic and Pedestrian Management Sub-Plan
Construction Waste Management Plan
Construction Environmental Management Plan
Construction Noise and Vibration Management Plan